How to Make Sure Your Contractor is Insured in The Upstate

You’ve wanted to renovate your cramped, outdated kitchen for ages. And now – finally – you have the funds and the opportunity to do it. So you ask around among your friends and co-workers to find a contractor and then hire the one they recommend – even though you’re not aware that you need to … Continued

Why Isn’t My House Selling in The Upstate

Why do some homes sell right away? Why do some sit on the market for months at a time? And why isn’t your house selling? In our latest post, we will help you to consider some reasons why your house isn’t selling, and what you can do about it! Selling a home takes work. It … Continued

Upgrades to Avoid: What Will Turn OFF Buyers in The Upstate!

Are you considering selling your home in The Upstate? If so, you might be thinking about making a few repairs and upgrades before you list it. Some changes can be lucrative, paying off in the long run. However, not all upgrades are created equal. We will let you know which upgrades to avoid! Updating and … Continued

Moving? Learn When to Call a Mover in South Carolina

Ah moving! Should you do it yourself? Or should you hire some help? In this article, we will help you determine if you should go at it solo, and when to call a mover in South Carolina.  Ask Yourself These Questions When Considering Using a Mover How Much Are You Moving? If you are moving … Continued

5 Tips For Moving With Kids in South Carolina

Whether you are moving across the street or across the country, moving with kids can be stressful on both you and them! Luckily, the move doesn’t have to be painful for anyone! Check out our tips for moving with kids, and make your relocation a breeze!  Tips For Moving With Kids! Nobody likes saying goodbye. … Continued

How To Use The Internet to Sell Your Home in The Upstate

Now, more than ever, people are finding success selling their homes online. But with the online marketplace being so hot, you are likely to face some stiff competition! We have put together our favorite tips to help you stand out and sell your home fast! Go Where The Buyers Are: There are many online listing portals … Continued

Advantages of Selling Your Home Yourself in The Upstate

Most people think you need an agent to sell your home, but we want to prove otherwise. We want to share with you the advantages of selling your home yourself! The first one might be a bit obvious, but…. NO COMMISSIONS!  Real estate agents can charge 6%+ upon the sale of your home, even if … Continued